Racial Discrimination Ages Black Americans Faster, According to a 25-Year-Long Study of Families

Black Lives Matter protest in London May 31. Credit: Tara Carey / Equality Now

Nov 20 2020 (IPS) – I’m part of a that has been following more than 800 Black American families for almost 25 years. We found that people who had reported experiencing high levels of racial discrimination when they were young teenagers than those who hadn’t. This elevated depression, in turn, showed up in their blood samples, which revealed accelerated aging on a cellular level.

Our research is not the first to show than other racial or ethnic groups. The experience of constant and accumulating stress due to racism throughout an individual’s lifetime can wear and tear dow…

The Value of Water Goes Far Beyond its Stock Price

The UN will be commemorating World Water Day on Monday March 22.

In northern Ghana some 50% of people lack access to safe drinking water. Credit: UNDP Ghana

EAST SUSSEX, UK, Mar 20 2021 (IPS) – In the midst of a global pandemic, when the presence of water in our lives has never seemed more important, its future availability has also never been more uncertain.

Water scarcity is now such a threat that it is even possible to trade in ‘water futures’ joining commodities like gold and oil on Wall Street, with traders .

So, while farmers and pastoralists struggle to know when the next rainfall will come, and women and children walk for hours to collect wate…

COVID-19 as Instigator of Bigotry, Chauvinism and Megalomania

A confusion of the real with the ideal never goes unpunished.
 Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Antoine-Jean Gros: Napoleon Bonaparte Visits the Plague Stricken in Jaffa.

STOCKHOLM / ROME, Jun 24 2021 (IPS) – By the end of April 2019, a government campaign to vaccinate more than 40 million children under five against polio in Pakistan was suspended after a series of attacks on health workers and police. On 23 April, a police officer protecting polio workers was gunned down in Bannu, the same day a polio worker was in Lahore seriously wounded by a father “protecting his child from vaccination”, these incidents were followed by the murder of anothe…