HEALTH-SOUTH SUDAN: Welcome New Attention to Maternal Care

Skye Wheeler

JUBA, Jul 10 2008 (IPS) – A vast pregnancy has swollen the tiny woman walking South Sudan s shining new maternity ward clutching two pieces of paper stapled together. She looks no more than 16, wide-eyed with recent pain.
Aid flowing to South Sudan following a 2005 peace deal is beginning to improve health care for women. Credit: Manoocher Degati/IRIN

Aid flowing to South Sudan following a 2005 peace deal is beginning to improve health care for women. Credit: Manoocher Degati/IRIN

Ateino Maclean, one of only two fully-tr…

FILM-CUBA: “I Fought for This, But Not Just to Be a Housewife”

Dalia Acosta

HAVANA, Sep 3 2010 (IPS) – Mavi Susel, the first transsexual in Cuba to undergo sex reassignment surgery, back in 1988, has found herself trapped in the traditionally assigned gender role of a housewife.
Mavi Susel Credit: Jorge Luis Baños/IPS

Mavi Susel Credit: Jorge Luis Baños/IPS

She is a woman imprisoned in that gender role, Marilyn Solaya, the Cuban filmmaker who made the documentary En el cuerpo equivocado (In the Wrong Body), told the press.

The film, which premiered in mid-August in Cuba, was produced with the support of the second edition of DOCTV Latinoamérica, the first regional programme to f…

The Sustainable Use of Wild Species is Important for Everyone

The authors are Co-Chairs of the IPBES Assessment of the Sustainable Use of Wild Species

Salmon fishing. Credit: iStock

BONN, Germany, Jun 22 2022 (IPS) – You probably use wild species far more often than you realise. For many people, especially in more developed economies, the use of wild species sounds like something quite removed from their everyday lives – something perhaps more relevant to other people, in other countries.

It is a fact, however, that the use of wild species is a vital part of almost every human community. If you eat fish, they are most likely wild species. When you take cough medication, it’s likely to be derived, in part…